Error Code Range: 500-599
500 - PropertySetterNotVirtual
The base implementation of the setter for property '{0}' could not be found or is not overrideable. This can occur if the base implementation of the '{1}' interface is explicitly implemented.
501 - FailedToGenerateField
The utility encountered an error while generating the backing field for property '{0}'.
502 - FailedToGenerateProperty
The utility encountered an error while generating the property '{0}'.
503 - FailedToGetProperties
The utility encountered an error while getting the properties for type '{0}'.
504 - FailedToGetPropertyInfo
The utility encountered an error while getting the property information for property '{0}'.
505 - GeneralError
The utility encountered an error while generating the code. See below for details.
506 - FailedToLoadPreviousConfiguration
The utility encountered an error while loading the information configured the last time the utility was run. See below for details.
507 - ADODisabled
The ADO.NET reporting service is disabled.
508 - ADONotConfigured
ADO login information has not been set.
509 - ADOConnectionNotFound
No connection has been created with that id.
510 - FailedToCreateFindWindow
Failed to create the Find Activity window.
511 - FailedToResolveToken
The token '{0}' was not found.
512 - FailedToFindService
The service '{0}' could not be found.
513 - EntryDoesNotMatchProfile
The entry '{0}' was retrieved from repository '{1}' but the activity's profile repository is '{2}'.
514 - InvalidPassword
Invalid username or password.
515 - ImproperPassword
The password is improper. Make sure the password meets your database password policy.
Workflow {0} does not exist.
517 - TemplateDoesNotExist
Workflow template {0} does not exist.
518 - TrusteeDirectoryDoesNotExist
Trustee directory {0} does not exist.
519 - PersistedInstanceNotFoundException
Could not find workflow instance '{0}' in the persistence store.
520 - ErrorDownloadingPDFFile
Error downloading pdf file.
521 - AttachmentDoesNotHaveAPDFExtension
The attachment does not have a PDF extension.
522 - ActivityTypeNotFound
This activity could not be created because the type '{0}' does not exist.
523 - ActivityTypeNotFound_Details
Could not resolve the type '{0}' in assembly '{1} (Version {2})'.
524 - ErrorInvalidWorkflow
Workflow cannot be published because it contains one or more invalid activities.
525 - EntryGrid_EntryError
An error occurred while resolving entry. {0}
526 - Scripting_FailedToAddCommonScript
The script '{0}' in the workflow's Common scripts folder encountered an error while being loaded.
527 - Scripting_FailedToAddReference
The assembly reference '{0}' encountered an error while being loaded.
528 - Scripting_FailedToAddScript
The script '{0}' on activity '{1}' encountered an error while being loaded.
529 - ErrorReadOnlyWorkflow
Workflow cannot be published because it is read-only.
530 - PublishAllReport_CanvasesWithErrors
The following workflows were not published because they have invalid activities:
531 - PublishAllReport_FailedToPublishCanvases
The following workflows encountered an error while publishing:
532 - SaveSkippedBecauseWorkflowHasProxyStubs
The workflow '{0}' cannot be saved because it contains placeholder activities.
533 - SearchResultRetryMessage
An error occurred while retrieving the search results. {0}Details: {1}{0}Please see the error log for more details.
534 - Toolbox_GetTypesFailed
The toolbox encountered an error while loading the activity types in '{0}'.
535 - Toolbox_ResolveAssemblyNameFailed
The toolbox could not resolve the assembly named '{0}'.
536 - Toolbox_ResolveAssemblyPathFailed
The toolbox could not find the assembly file: {0}.
537 - MainDatabaseError
An error occurred with the main workflow database:
538 - SearchDatabaseError
An error occurred with the search database:
539 - DefaultMigrationError
Error migrating entry.
540 - MigrationErrorFormat
{3}: {0} Name = {1} Error = {2}
541 - StringLengthError
The requested string is {0} characters long. The limit is {1} characters.
542 - LaserficheServerIsNotLicensed
Workflow is not licensed for use with this Laserfiche Server. The server serial of '{0}' does not appear in the Workflow License.
543 - WorkflowServerNeedsLicense
The Workflow Server needs a license with the Laserfiche Server serial '{0}' as a connection.
544 - ConditionEditor_ConnectionFailed
Connection Failed
545 - ConditionEditor_ConnectionFailedDetails
Could not connect to the Laserfiche repository due to the following error:
No templates, fields, or tags will be available.
546 - ConditionEditor_CopyContextError
'{0}' conditions cannot be converted to '{1}' conditions.
547 - ConditionEditor_CopyContextErrorTitle
Condition Paste Error
548 - InvalidCommandLineArgument
Command line argument {0} is not valid.
549 - ServerNotListedAsArgument
Server name must be included through command line argument "-server:<serverName>" before argument -workflowId:# is used
550 - CanNotChangeServerWhileSearching
The workflow server cannot be changed while searching.
551 - PDF_DynamicXfaNotSupported
Dynamic PDFs are not supported.
552 - Migration_TrusteeDirectoryPropertyNotFound
The trustee directory property {0} was not found in the configuration.
553 - Migration_TrusteeDirectoryPropertyChanged
The trustee directory '{0}' property value was changed from '{1}' to '{2}'.
554 - Migration_CouldNotFindTrustee
The trustee could not be found.
555 - Migration_CouldNotUpdateWorkingFolder
Could not update the working folder of trustee '{0}' to '{1}'.
556 - Migration_TrusteeDirectoryPropertyNames
Cannot migrate directory property '{0}', the name cannot differ from the default property name '{1}'.
557 - Migration_FailedToConfigureTrusteeProperty
Failed to configure property '{0}'.
558 - Migration_CannotMigrateRepositoryDueToBadPassword
This repository cannot be migrated since its password is no longer valid.
559 - CultureResourcesAreNotAvailable
The resources for the culture '{0}' are not available. Some tokens may not get identified correctly.
560 - EmailServerDisabled
The email server {0} is disabled.
561 - ActivityDirectoryNotFound
The directory '{0}' could not be found for activity '{1}'.
562 - ExternalObjectAlreadyExists
An option with name '{0}' and type '{1}' already exists.
563 - CertificateAlreadyExists
A certificate already exists with the name '{0}'.
564 - DirectoryAlreadyExists
A trustee directory already exists with the name '{0}'.
565 - DataSourceAlreadyExists
A data source already exists with the name '{0}'.
566 - EmailServerAlreadyExists
An e-mail server already exists with the name '{0}'.
567 - HolidayAlreadyExists
A holiday already exists with the name '{0}'.
568 - AttachmentAlreadyExists
An attachment already exists with the name '{0}'.
569 - IndexTokenIsNotANumber
The index token '{0}' did not resolve to a number. Value = '{1}'.
570 - StartingEntryNotFound
The starting entry could not be found.
571 - BoundEntryNotFound
The entry with property name '{0}' could not be found.
572 - BoundPropertyTypeNotSupported
The property with type '{0}' is not valid for this activity.
573 - PDF_NotPDF
The attached file is not a valid PDF.
574 - SubscriberNotConfigured_WorkflowServerIsNotSet
The workflow server has not been configured for this subscriber.
575 - SubscriberNotConfigured_SubcriberNameIsNotSet
The subscriber name has not been configured.
576 - InvalidEntrySpecified
The entry was not found or specified.
577 - NotAWorkflowKey
The key '{0}' does not start with 'WF'. It may not be a valid workflow key. Are you sure you want to activate?
578 - OptionTypeNotDefined
The requested option '{0}' is not defined.
579 - WorkflowOptionTypeNotSupported
The requested option '{0}' is not valid as a workflow option.
580 - SubscriberOptionTypeNotSupported
The requested option '{0}' is not valid as a subscriber option.
581 - EmailAddressNotSpecified
Email address not specified.
582 - CouldNotParseId
Could not parse the id value '{0}'.
583 - CertificateDoesNotHavePrivateKey
X.509 Certificate '{0}' did not have a private key.
584 - CertificateWasNotFoundInStore
X.509 Certificate '{0}' was not found in the certificate store '{1}'.
585 - ErrorDownloadingCertificateImage
Error downloading certificate image.
586 - SignatureEventCouldNotBeFound
The signature event could not be found.
587 - ActivityBoundEntryNotFound
The selected entry could not be found.
588 - UnknownCustomActivity
Unknown custom activity detected: {0}
589 - TrusteeDirectoryNotFound
The trustee directory could not be found.
590 - TrusteeDirectoryIdNotFound
The trustee directory with ID {0} could not be found.
591 - TrusteeDirectoryPropertyNotFound
The trustee directory '{0}' does not have a property '{1}'.
592 - TrusteeDirectoryTypeNotRecognized
Unknown trustee directory type: {0}
593 - TaskOptionClassImproperModule
Task option class '{0}' provided a module that did not implement ILaserficheTaskModule.
594 - TaskOptionClassMissingModule
Task option class '{0}' provided a null module.
595 - SecurityPermissionActionMissing
The action '{0}' was not found in the permission map.
596 - SecurityRightActionMissing
The action '{0}' was not found in the Workflow Rights map.
597 - WorkflowScriptAssemblyMissing
Could not find the script assembly for the given workflow. Id={0}, Version={1}, Language={2}
598 - InvalidLicenseToolCommandLine
Invalid command line arguments.
599 - LicenseActivationToolFailed
Activation tool failed.